Card: Day 2
The day starts bright an early before the sun has risen. After eating a few of the several hundred pancakes flipped by the one-and-only “Diamond” Doug, we will load up on the buses and head up to the summit (9,500ft)
Big Indian Gorge
Beginning just before 8 am, the hike opens with a steep traverse down into Big Indian Gorge. It’s single-file monkey-style and in silence while we enjoy the quiet wilderness around us.
You’ll stroll through aspen groves, splash through creeks, and brush against sagebrush until we reach the end of the gorge where we will stop for a quick lunch.
60/60s Up the Little Blitzen Gorge
We will make our way back up the mountain in Little Blitzen Gorge running 60/60s (60 seconds hiking, 60 seconds running).
After about 8 Miles we’ll reach the “waterfall” and begin the steep ascent to the top of the ridge. Some “mountain goats” by the name of Max King and Jackson Brill have been known to run out of the Gorge, but you will likely be so exhausted you’ll be lucky to not cramp while slowly walking up and out.
21 Miles down – 7 more back to camp
At this point you’ll be out of the wilderness and back on the Steens Loop road. The ultimate accomplishment is to make it all the way back to camp before the cutoff time
“You’ll make it out…”
Here is a song inspired by “the Big Day” and written by a former Steens camper.
“That lemon drop never tasted so good…”