Travel Info
Campers can choose from two methods:
1. Private Transporation
Arrange for private transportation to Burns, Oregon where roundtrip transportation to the mountain is provided and is included in your Basic Camp fee.
2. Round-Trip Bus Ride / Travel Itinerary
A camp bus will provide round-trip transportation from Portland, Eugene, and Bend to Burns, OR. The cost of this service is additional to the basic camp fee.
Campers who plan on riding the camp bus from Portland, Eugene, and Bend to Burns or one way from Burns back to desired destination MUST register to ride the camp bus by July 1 – we’ve extended bus reservations
Campers who plan on providing their own private transportation to and
from Burns need not reserve a spot on the bus.
Out of State
Out of state campers are encouraged to coordinate travel plans, etc. with us directly.
For information email travel@steens.camp